Thursday, October 9, 2014

Abandoned Dogs! A Message For Humanity

Two Heelers Rescued from Abusive Owners

Heather Carruthers is known as an animal advocate.  She will step forward and go that extra mile when she sees abuse with any animals.  This is the case with these two beautiful Dog.  We would love to see them in a great Forever home.  Would love to have Foster home in the interim.  Post here if you would like to Foster these guys.  If you would like to adopt, please contact Heather at Pet Mommy or call  870-741-5935

Dog Dumping in Harrison!!! This has to Stop!

This darling puppy was left by our door at the Links in Harrison yesterday morning. He was left sitting in a lawn chair with no collar, food or water. A neighbor told me a girl just left him there and told him she couldn't take care of him anymore and now he would be someone else's problem. When I went outside my door and saw this poor little guy scared and hungry, I was devastated to say the least. Why do people do these things. Whoever you are, you should be ashamed of yourself. If anyone knows who this darling puppy belongs to, let me know. He is being taken care of very well right now.  

Please Call or text 870-743-3980